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Writer's picture DonnaMarie

The Greatest Love Story Ever Written

Some people believe that the greatest love story ever written is that of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. A tragic sacrificial love that ended in the senseless death of two young lovers. As a Christian, I believe the greatest love story ever written is that of God and man. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Like many of us, I have read the story of Christ's Crucifixion many times in the bible. A true sacrifice and the absolute greatest Love of all times. But even after reading it so many times, it still never quite resonated with me the way that it did while watching it come to life in the movie The Passion of The Christ by Mel Gibson. Like Jesus did when He learned of his friend Lazarus’ death in John 11:35, I wept.

The movie evoked much controversy due to some discrepancies, but surely we have come to expect this from Hollywood. They entertain as well as compel us. I refuse to believe however, that it took very much away from the liberating meaning of the event for those of us who are personally familiar with the story. But for me, it was the depiction of the suffering Jesus endured on my behalf that I cannot even begin to phantom. I apologize, on our behalf. Forgive me, I take it personally. Do I believe this story that I've grown up with all my life? Absolutely! Just like so many other Christians. So, I pose the question: why is it so difficult for us to fully trust in a God who would give His beloved Son sacrificed on a tree for our sakes? Or to trust the Son who willingly made the sacrifice? This is a difficult question to answer. It must be answered from within ourselves.


However, the love story between God and Robert Barlow clearly depicts how we can easily turn from a God who truly loves us and even though we are forgiven by Him, we struggle greatly with forgiving ourselves and even greater with accepting the Love of God so freely offered to us. Because of the death of a loved one, Rob Barlow thought God had forsaken him. It isn’t until he meets Chasidy, a faithful Christian, that he learns that ‘God never leaves us nor forsakes.’ (Hebrews 13:5) A story so incredibly relatable, yet entertaining and inspiring. I imagine Hollywood would also call it compelling. :)

But don't just take my word for it. Read for yourself how Barlow struggles to forgive himself and God for the death of his young wife in Barlow Definition of Flawless. One reader writes: "This was a very inspiring story of love and forgiveness." ( Amazon) Another writes: "This was such an enjoyable story." (BookBub) calls it, "An immersive and exciting read."

But that's just the beginning. Not unlike anyone else who has acknowledged the presence of God's unfailing love, once his heart is opened, Barlow's spiritual relationship with God is ever growing and becomes less of a struggle in: Barlow Redefined. In this second book of the series, God is able to show Barlow more miracles as he is more willing to receive them.

As we learn more about our amazing God, we learn that the Entity doesn't begin His relationship with us at the place we begin with Him. The same holds true with Barlow. God’s plans for Barlow started when he was only a boy, orphaned and being raised by his mother’s best friend. In the small town of Amory MS he meets another boy close to his age who's only desire is to find his family. A boy he will come to call brother for the rest of their lives in: Trestle Rat- The Story of Al. Like crazy glue, they instantly bonded and that bond brought them to the family that Alan desired and they both needed.

Can you relate to Barlow? Is there a 'your' story inside his? Connect with your you in The Barlow Trilogy.  



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